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Butter Toffee Candied Peanuts


10 oz

1949 Nut Co. Butter Toffee Peanuts are like no other. For generations, we have cultivated what we believe are the world’s best peanuts. Our robust peanuts have a fresh natural flavor and a crisp crunch. Made with the highest standards, these handcrafted nuts have been coated in sugar, butter, and salt. Simple ingredients, yet extravagant taste.  

The 1949 Nut Company's Peanuts are an everyday luxury for peanut lovers who want exceptional taste, unrivaled variety, and a remarkably crisp and satisfying crunch. We’ve perfected classic varieties alongside new innovations to give you a natural, crowd-pleasing snack for any occasion. With blends of sweet, spicy, savory, and everything in between, the only thing harder than picking a favorite is resisting another handful!

The 1949 Nut Co

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