In order to change your credit card information you must first log in to My Account. Once logged in, select Account Info and find the Payment Info on the page where you can edit your credit card information.
Our customers will select what type of produce box they want to receive (fruits, veggies, or a mix of both) and the frequency in which they want to receive (weekly, every two weeks, monthly), the size of the shipment they want to receive (we offer up to four sizes to get it just right) and most importantly set up a "Disliked Products" list so that we never send you don't want and then can send you more of what you love! Read more in details at the FAQ: "How do I customize my recurring produce box?"
Customizing Your Box
- The cut-off time for any changes is 7am on Mondays.
FOR Harvest Best, Family Favorites, Very Veggie, Fresh & Fruity - SET IT ONCE and FORGET IT!
-access your Account on our website -> Preferences -> set up your Dislikes for any fruits/ veggies and also -> set up your Family Love Items
-each week, our team will take out from your produce box any items that are on your Dislike list and sub them with other organic produce items on hand, including your Family Love Items if available and suited
-THERE IS NOTHING for you to do to customize your box. If you have a special request for the week, then you can send us an email at
-each week, add other favorites to your order either from Add-ons Produce or any other Pantry item
-due to more of a limited produce variety, this box can be customizable with the Dislike List, but we cannot guarantee that the subs are always local
-each week, add other favorites to your order either from Add-ons Produce or any other Pantry item
-Customize your box each week by subtracting or adding any of the items you see available in your box. The Price of the box will modify according to the items chosen in your box
-each week, add other favorites to your order either from Add-ons Produce or any other Pantry item
-we do not take into account your dislike list when we pack, it is your responsibility to modify the contents of your box each time
Absolutely. Simply go to your My Account on our website, select Delivery Hold and add the week (s) when you do not want a delivery.
Please place your delivery on hold the latest by 9am before your delivery day.
If you'd like to donate your produce bags instead of stopping your deliveries while you are away, write us an and we will donate your bag either to the Fort Mill Care Center that we've been supporting for years or a new project that we work with, support Levine Children's Hospital in Charlotte. You choose the destination of your donation.
About Levine: We support the program led by dietician Dahlia Gordon serving the outpatient blood disorder and sickle cell. The population she serves is >80% people of color and low socioeconomic status. One of the ways Dr Dahlia is trying to improve the health and quality of life for these children is by introducing and educating them about fresh fruits and vegetables. Many of these kids have not tried a large variety of fresh foods and rely on less expensive convenience foods for calories. The educational program she started at the clinic in 2023 offers these kids the opportunity to taste test fresh fruits and vegetables while learning about the importance of these foods.
If you'd like to donate your deliveries instead of placing them on hold, write us a request by email .
Customer Questions
If you need to cancel a produce box or any other recurrent items, login on our website through My Account tab. Then go to Recurring Items and take out all your recurring items. That's all, now all your recurring deliveries are canceled.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do. We always appreciate feedback as we continue to make our service better.
Please place them outside of your door on morning of your next delivery day our driver will pick them up.
Farm Favourites Right to Your Door
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