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Organic Kombucha


Good Ol' Ginger
Ingredients:  Kombucha Culture, Ginger. 35 calories, 4 grams of sugar.
Ginger is amazing for the immune system and digestive aid. The refreshing Good Ol' Ginger will restore your inner fire!

Ingredients:  Kombucha Culture, Lemons, Lavender, and Lemongrass. 35 calories, 4 grams of sugar.
​Crisp tartness from fresh squeezed lemons complements the floral calming effects of lavender flowers. This kombucha will take you to your happy place.​ 

Electric Razz
​Ingredients: Kombucha Culture, Raspberry Puree, Lemon, Hibiscus. 45 calories, 9 grams of sugar.
Electric Razz  is charged with jolts of Raspberry and tart Lemons.  Each sip is hair-raising electric!

Spicy Pineapple
Ingredients: Kombucha Culture, Pineapple Juice, Cayenne Pepper

Wake-Up Call
​Ingredients: Kombucha Culture, Blueberry, Green Tea, Yerba Mate, and Nettle Leaf. 40 mg of organic caffeine. 35 calories, 2 grams of sugar.
High-energy blend of raw yerba mate and blueberries will pick you up and not let you down.​

Strawberry Limeade
​Ingredients: Kombucha Culture, Strawberry, Lime, Hibiscus, Lemongrass, Nettle Leaf. 40 calories, 5 grams of sugar.
This booch is sweetened naturally with raw strawberries and zesty limes. This blend is designed to please the palate and nourish the body.

Cranberry Zest
​Ingredients: Kombucha Culture, Cranberry, Lemon, Hibiscus. 40 calories, 5 grams of sugar.
Cranberry Zest is a perfect pairing of bold cranberries and bright lemons resulting in a tangy and fruity kombucha blend.

Lenny Boy Kombucha, Charlotte, NC

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