added to delivery

Insulated Bag - Set of 2 - RE-used
Use less plastic with your deliveries!
For a limited time and limited bags, we offer 60% discount for purchasing a set of 2 Re-used insulated bags. The discount is ONLY valid if you purchase the bags to get our Farm Fresh deliveries in.
Purchase a set of RE-used 2 insulated bags and receive your Farm Fresh Carolinas deliveries packed in these bags instead of plastic bags.
As an extra, to each delivery packed in the insulated bags we add an ice pack to keep your produce chilled until you get it from your doorstep. Each week on your delivery day, please leave the insulated bag you have at home with the icepack in it, for our driver to take it. However, if you do not return the icepacks for more than 2 deliveries, we will charge your account with $3/ icepack.